dtv is one of the largest independent publishers in the German language and their titles are regularly guests on the top of the bestselling lists. dtv was originally founded in 1960 with the sole purpose of publishing paperback licences. Nowdays, 70% of the books stem from dtv’s own authors. 400 titles are published each year. The broad spectrum of dtv’s list presents international and German fiction, non-fiction and self-help as well as books for children. On dtv’s fiction list you will find bestselling authors such as Dora Heldt and Angelika Schrobsdorff, Christopher Kloeble and Stefan aus dem Siepen, as well as Konrad Lorenz and Marianne Koch on the non-fiction list to name only a very few. The dtv-Atlas series started in 1964 with its bestselling dtv-Atlas World History. It has been widely acclaimed for its unique way of highlighting the topics of each volume in separate units, combining vivid graphics and concise written explanation. The subject areas covered by the dtv-Atlas series range from history to natural sciences, architecture and music, philosophy and health. International licensors of dtv-Atlases are publishers such as Penguin, Livre de Poche and Garzanti.