Available in English: EXTREME NORTH by Bernd Brunner
W.W. Norton will be publishing Bernd Brunner’s EXTREME NORTH. A CULTURAL HISTORY (Kiepenheuer & Witsch) in February 2022! „The North, Brunner argues, was as much invented as discovered. Full of glittering details embedded in vivid storytelling, EXTREME NORTH is a fascinating romp through both actual encounters and popular imaginings, and a disturbing reminder of the power of fantasy to shape the world we live in.“ Check it out:
Until the modern era, perception of the North was mostly negative. The decisive turn in attitude came in the second half of the 18th century, when British, German and French writers began to take an interest in the Old Icelandic sagas, the epic of Ossian, and Viking heritage. Many Romantics turned away from sources of classical antiquity towards an indeterminate North. Also, the sublime beauty of the Scottish highlands, Iceland, and Scandinavia was recognized, helping to make these places travel destinations.
This book shows how this change in attitude played out in travel journals and writing about the North-South dichotomy. Adoration of the North and its people reached its zenith in Germany when the Nazis appropriated it for their ideology.
EXTREME NORTH offers a wide range of encounters and storylines with a lively attention to detail, written in a compact and often surprising narrative. An entertaining, informative and eye-opening work of non-fiction for the general public.
Complete English text available for interested readers.