Hej hej – Goodbye
You can still get in touch with me but schøne agentur seized to actively sell rights and licenses. You can catch me at my new position at Nordin Ringhof Agency: Happy to stay in touch and to hear from you! Anna Richter Foreign Rights Nordin Ringhof Agency ApS Store Kannikestræde 18, 2. tv. 1169…
dtv is one of the largest independent publishers in the German language and their titles are regularly guests on the top of the bestselling lists. dtv was originally founded in 1960 with the sole purpose of publishing paperback licences. Nowdays, 70% of the books stem from dtv’s own authors. 400 titles are published each year. The broad spectrum…
WeiterlesenCarl Hanser Verlag
Carl Hanser Verlag was established by its eponymous owner in 1928 in Munich, and its founder’s interests in both literature and science have been maintained to the present day. The firm publishes fiction and non-fiction for both adults and children. Its authors include Italo Calvino, Umberto Eco, Jostein Gaarder, Lars Gustafsson, Milan Kundera, Philip Roth, Peter…
WeiterlesenC. H. Beck
Verlag C.H.Beck in Munich is one of Germany’s best known publishing houses with approximately 6,000 titles in print. It has a strong base in academic works, however, its fiction list has grown steadily and is respected for the importance its editors place on the literary and artistic merits of its titles. Along with non-fiction authors such…
DuMont Buchverlag was founded in 1956 in Cologne. Stressing the link between literature and art, the firm focuses on these subjects and also, more recently, on general non-fiction. On its fiction list you will find outstanding national and international contemporary voices including Michel Houellebecq, Helmut Krausser, Judith Kuckart, Haruki Murakami, Charlotte Roche, Oliver Bottini, Annette Mingels…
WeiterlesenS. Fischer Verlage
S. Fischer Verlag was founded by Samuel Fischer in Berlin in 1886 and is today located in Frankfurt am Main. Fischer was the first to publish many now famous authors such as Franz Kafka, Arthur Schnitzler, Hugo von Hoffmannsthal, Franz Werfel, Alfred Döblin and Thomas Mann. The house focuses on literature, psychology and history. Contemporary authors…
WeiterlesenKiepenheuer & Witsch / Galiani Berlin
Verlag Kiepenheuer & Witsch was founded in 1949 in Cologne and today is part of the Holtzbrinck Group. The publisher’s early authors include Joseph Roth, Heinrich Böll and Erich Maria Remarque. Today Kiepenheuer & Witsch continues to publish leading contemporary German, Austrian and Swiss writers, as well as international authors in translation. Its list includes Gabriel…
WeiterlesenZsolnay & Deuticke
Zsolnay & Deuticke was created in 1923 by Paul Zsolnay in Vienna and today includes the Deuticke Verlag as an imprint. Both are part of Carl Hanser Verlag. Zsolnay was the most successful publishing company during the interregnum period, publishing authors such as John Galsworthy, H. G. Wells, Pearl S. Buck, A. J. Cronin, Franz Werfel,…