Sold to Norway, Sweden and NEW: Finland!
After the phenomenal success of Romy’s debut „Dear Child“ (sold to 23 languages by now!), her new psychothriller MARTA, ASLEEP enters the bestseller list on #4 this week. We are very happy to announce that rights sold pre-publication to Quercus (UK), The Netherlands (Harper Collins) and Sweden (Nona)!
With MARTA, ASLEEP, Romy Hausmann again delivers a top-class psychological thriller circling around guilt, retribution, and the question of whether a perpetrator can ever by truly free again: A woman is pinned with a murder she has not committed. But is she really innocent?
Her past makes her the perfect victim. And the perfect murderer…
A murder has occurred, and it must be undone. This leaves only one possibility. The murder has to happen again, and the real culprit has to provide the police with a different course of events – as well as a plausible culprit. And he finds one in the mentally unstable young woman, who works as an assistant at a law firm. Her past alone makes her the perfect victim – or better said, the perfect murderer.
The young woman already has a guilty past. She was still practically a child, when a crime took place that never should have occurred. She did her penance, but as an adult, she seems to be working through her guilt via a kind of non-existence: Instead of actually living, she observes lives of others. However, she refuses to bear any more guilt than she already feels. So when she sees through the actual murderer’s plot, she decides to turn the tables.
A deeply disturbing book about guilt, retribution, and the question of whether a perpetrator can ever by truly free again…