Raving Press for Judith Hermann’s HOME in Denmark and Norway!
We are celebrating one raving review after the other for Judith Hermann’s new novel HOME – one of the absolute highlights on 2021!
Icelandic and Finnish rights are still available!
A pipe dream of a book. Judith Hermann writes books that are impossible to forget, books that are on the very top shelf of contemporary European literature. – Aftenposten
A magical novel – Information
❤❤❤❤❤❤ – Politiken
Judith Hermann’s excellent „Home“ … is exquisitely clear and wondrously slightly arty, so simple you almost don’t understand it, and yet breathtakingly dark and deep. – Kristeligt Dagblad
Home is a darkly compelling novel about daring to be anchored in a world that is drifting towards cessation and disintegration. – Jyllands Posten
Reading Judith Hermann’s new novel is like meeting an old summer crush. – NRK
Touching deeply with few words. – Dagens Naeringsliv
A low-key reminder that quality literature often touches upon the unsaid. – Stavanger Aftenblad
Judith Hermann’s Home is a quietly beautiful novel, and Sverre Dahl’s strong translation retains an air of foreignness. – Morgenbladet
I am pretty sure Judith Hermanns Home stays standing among this year’s best reading experiences. – Vartland
Home subtly embraces this unpredictable quality of life: „You rarely capture what you want to capture, you sometimes capture something completely different. Then you just get to see what you do with it.“ – Klassekampen